– Parcheaza Fain
– Inregistreaza-te in Taverna
– Pune papa in frigider, in niciun caz in cort, frigiderele se gasesc in Grill Zone
– Pastreaza Camping Fain curat
– Consuma bautura din barul nostru Fain
– Foloseste castile pentru a asculta muzica la device-uri proprii
– Pastreaza curatenia in drumetii
– Asculta natura, joaca-te Cube si fa-ti prieteni
– Vizitatorii sunt bine-veniti pana la ora 20:00
– Accesul cu animale de campanie este permis, pana in talie medie
– Accesul persoanelor in stare de ebrietate va fi permis doar daca sunt cazate la noi si doresc sa mearga la culcare
– Nu vrem galagie mai mare decat volumul boxelor
– Accesul in spatiile rezervate personalului este doar pentru angajati
– Distrugerile vor fi taxate
– Folositi WC-urile si doar WC-urile
– Aveti grija ce bagati in priza
– Nu aprindeti focul in Camping, decat in zonele prestabilite ( Grill Zone / Foc de tabara )
– Pentru evitarea accidentelor va rugam sa nu fumati in corturi
– Este interzis fumatul in corturile inchiriate de la noi
– Nu lasati chistoace in iarba, aruncati-le la gunoi
– Nu lasati libere gunoaiele, folositi butoaiele verzi pentru a arunca deseurile
– Obiectele de decor nu sunt suveniruri
– Daca toate persoanele cazate poarta bratarile primite la receptie, va veti simti mai in siguranta
– Bratarile ofera acces in camping pe timp de noapte cand portile sunt inchise
– Ora de check-in este 14:00
– Ora de check-out este 12:00, va rugam sa o respectati pentru ca si alte persoane sa aiba timp sa se campeze
– Daca vreti sa prelungiti sejurul va rugam sa treceti la receptie pana la ora 11:00
– Este strict interzis consumul de stupefiante in interiorul campingului
– Daca folosesti toata apa calda, meriti un dus rece. In weekend, datorita numarului mare de camperi, este posibil sa existe probleme de debit ale apei calde/reci
– Banii platitit NU se returneaza decat in cazuri de forta majora si decat intr-un cont bancar


– Park Fain
– Register in the Tavern
– Put the meals in the fridge, never in your tent, the fridges can be found in Grill Zone
– Keep Camping Fain clean
– Buy and drink from our bar
– Use earphones for listening to music on your own devices
– Keep the nature clean on your adventures
– Listen to the sound of nature, play Cube and make friends
– Guests can visit until 20:00
– Pets are allowed if they are medium waist
– Drunk people will only be allowed if they are staying at our campsite and want to go sleep
– We do not want bigger noise than our speakers volume
– Access to staff areas is for employees only
– Destruction will be imputed
– Use WC’s and WC’s only
– Be careful what you plug into the socket
– Do not light the fire in the camping only in the Grill Zone or on the camp fire pit
– To avoid accidents, it would be preferable not to smoke in tents
– Smoking is prohibited in our rented tents
– Do not leave fag-ends in the grass, throw them into the cans
– Do no let garbage be empty, use green trash can
– Decorations items are not souvenirs
– If all accommodated persons wear the bracelets received at the reception, you will feel safer
– The bracelets provide access in the camping at night when the gates are closed
– Check-in time is 14:00 o’clock
– Check-out time is 12:00 o’clock, please ensure that other people have tim to camp
– If you wish to extend your stay, please proceed to the reception until 11:00
– It is strictly forbidden the consumption of drugs inside the camping
– If you use all the hot water, you deserve a cold shower. Over the weekend, due to the large number of campers, there may be hot / cold water flow problems
– The money paid is not returned only in cases of force majeure and than in a bank account.